Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted on October 9 2022We wish all of our JSS families a wonderful Thanksgiving! May our hearts be full of both thanks and giving!
We wish all of our JSS families a wonderful Thanksgiving! May our hearts be full of both thanks and giving!
Jack Stuart School Parents' Society is looking for volunteers. If you are interested, please contact Terra Manion, President of the JSS Council and Parents' Society at 780-975-6533 or email jackstuartparentadvisory@gmail.com.
School Picture Day is Coming!
It has been a great first month and we have much to be thankful for!
Each year, September 30 marks the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. The day honours the children who never returned home and survivors of residential schools, as well as their families and communities.…
Hello Jack Stuart School (JSS) Parents/Guardians, We are excited to announce we will be hosting in-person JSS Parent & Teacher Conferences (PTIs) next Wednesday, September 28, 2022 from 3:30 to 8:30…
We are off to a great start! Jack Stuart Staff is so excited to welcome everyone back!
It's that time of year! Jack Stuart School staff are excited to welcome students and families back for a great new year of learning! See you all on September 6th!
Here we are in June! Here is a message from Dr. Rita Marler, Superintendent of BRSD schools
Did you know ...? ALL City of Camrose students must reapply for busing each school year. Eligible students must apply using the online form; registration begins June 1. (link) Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome to May! Here is a message from Dr. Rita Marler, Superintendent of Schools
Welcome to the home stretch! Here is a message from Dr. Rita Marler, Superintendent of Schools.
In like a lion! Here is a March update to our families.
Parents who are interesting in registering their children for kindergarten are asked to complete a registration package that consists of 3 documents: BRSD Student Registration FOIP Consent Notice Technology…
Restrictions are being lifted. Learn more here
We look forward to welcoming our students back to school on Monday January 10. Here is some information for families ...
Winter Break has been extended until January 10. Here is more information from our superintendent of schools, Rita Marler.
Here is an update on student drop off/ pick up procedures for our school.
PowerSchool Parent Portal Access Link
Welcome to our new PowerSchool Parent Portal where you will have access to real-time assessment regarding your child's learning. In this folder you will find written instructions as well as video tutorials…
If you are interested in ordering any Jack Stuart School clothing, visit our Entripy shop!
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